Raporty bieżące

AB INTER RAO Lietuva decisions of the Supervisory Board

AB INTER RAO Lietuva Supervisory Board adopted a decision to re-elect the Board and having analysed the Financial Statements for the year 2012 decided to propose the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to approve them.  (PDF)

Current report 
08 04 2013 | 6/2013

Notice on convocation of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.  (PDF)

Example of general voting ballot.  (PDF)

Draft ditribution of profit (loss) of the Company for the year 2012.  (PDF)

AB INTER RAO Lietuva decisions of the Management Board

AB INTER RAO Lietuva Management Board adopted a decision on analysis and assessment of the Audited Annual Financial Statements of the Company and the Group for the year 2012 and a decision to convene the Annual General Meeting of the Company.  (PDF) 

AB INTER RAO Lietuva Consolidated and Parent Company’s Financial Statements, Consolidated Annual Report and the Independent Auditor’s Report for the year ended 31 December 2012.  (PDF)

Statement on corporate governance

 AB INTER RAO Lietuva (the “Company”) hereby informs about the Company’s partial non-compliance with the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies (“WSE Corporate Governance Rules”). The WSE Corporate Governance Rules can be found on the website dedicated to the corporate governance at the Warsaw Stock Exchange: www.corp-gov.gpw.pl and on the corporate website: www.interrao.lt in the section „For Investors”.  (PDF)

Announcement of the results for the 4th quarter of 2012 and the Annual Information for 2012 of AB INTER RAO Lietuva

AB INTER RAO Lietuva hereby announces the results for the 4th quarter of 2012 and the Consolidated Annual Report, the Consolidated and Parent Company’s Financial Statements of AB INTER RAO Lietuva and the Independent Auditor’s Report for the year ended 31 December 2012.  (PDF)

Results for the 4th quarter of 2012.  (PDF)

AB INTER RAO Lietuva Consolidated and Parent Company’s Financial Statements, Consolidated Annual Report and the Independent Auditor’s Report for the year ended 31 December 2012.  (PDF)

Decisions of the Supervisory Board

AB INTER RAO Lietuva Supervisory Council appointed Mr Anton Badenkov to the position of the Chairman of the Supervisory Council and established the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Council.  (PDF)

End of the stabilisation period

AB INTER RAO Lietuva (the “Company”) informs that the time period of possible stabilisation measures in relation to the public offering of shares of the Company, set in the Company’s prospectus, approved on 23 November 2012 by Lietuvos Respublikos Centrinis Bankas, ended on 17 January 2013.  (PDF)

Summary of the offering

This announcement is made pursuant to the offering prospectus approved on 23 November 2012 by

Lietuvos Respublikos Centrinis Bankas (the “Prospectus”). Acting under the Prospectus it is hereby announced that on 18 December 2012 trading in the Issuer’s shares on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (the “WSE”) started. Shares of the Issuer in the number of 20,000,000 were admitted to trading on the main market of the WSE pursuant to resolution no. 1279 of the Management Board of the WSE dated 13 December 2012 and were introduced to trading on the main market of the WSE pursuant to resolution no. 1286 of the Management Board of the WSE dated 14 December 2012.  (PDF)

Statement on corporate governance

AB INTER RAO Lietuva (the “Company”) hereby informs about the Company’s partial non-compliance with the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies (“WSE Corporate Governance Rules”).  (PDF)

Raporty bieżące

Przekazując swoje dane osobowe potwierdzają Państwo, że zapoznali się z opublikowanymi na stronie internetowej Spółki zasadami przetwarzania danych osobowych (Polityka prywatności danych AB „INTER RAO Lietuva“).

Przekazując swoje dane osobowe potwierdzają Państwo swoją zgodę na przetwarzanie Państwa danych osobowych w Spółce w ramach świadczenia Państwu usług oraz odpowiedzi na przesłane przez Państwo zapytanie oraz rozwiązując powstałe problemu.

Zarazem potwierdzają Państwo, że przekazane przez Państwo dane są dokładne i prawidłowe, a Spółka nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za przetwarzanie nadmiaru przekazanych przez Państwo danych.

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