Raporty bieżące

AB „INTER RAO Lietuva“ announces about the Management Board decision to approve financing received from OP Corporate Bank plc Lithuania Branch

AB INTER RAO Lietuva announces that on 28 March 2018 the Management Board of the Company approved the overdraft (current bank account credit) agreement concluded with OP Corporate Bank plc Lithuania Branch, under which an overdraft was granted to the Company for a one-year term, the maximum amount of which is ten million euros. The overdraft will be used to finance working capital needs of the Company. (PDF)

AB INTER RAO Lietuva decisions of the Management Board

AB INTER RAO Lietuva Management Board adopted a decision on analysis and assessment of the Audited Annual Financial Statements of the Company and the Group for the year 2017 and a decision to convene the Annual General Meeting of the Company. (PDF)

AB INTER RAO Lietuva Consolidated and Parent Company’s Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2017, together with the Independent Auditor’s Report and Consolidated Annual Report.  (PDF)

Announcement of the results for the 4th quarter of 2017 and the Annual Information for 2017 of AB INTER RAO Lietuva

AB INTER RAO Lietuva hereby announces the results for the 4th quarter of 2017 and the Consolidated and Parent Company’s Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 together with the Independent Auditor’s Report and Consolidated Annual Report. (PDF)

Results for the 4th quarter of 2017; (PDF)

AB INTER RAO Lietuva Consolidated and Parent Company’s Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2017, together with the Independent Auditor’s Report and Consolidated Annual Report. (PDF)

AB INTER RAO Lietuva announces about partial repayment of loan amount to its major shareholder before the repayment date

AB INTER RAO Lietuva announces that on 14 February 2018 the Company before repayment date has repaid the amount under loan agreement dated 24 May 2017 and the accrued interest to the shareholder of the Company – UAB Scaent Baltic which has 29 % of shares and the same number of voting rights in the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. Loan amount has been used to finance working capital of the Company.  (PDF)

Raporty bieżące

Przekazując swoje dane osobowe potwierdzają Państwo, że zapoznali się z opublikowanymi na stronie internetowej Spółki zasadami przetwarzania danych osobowych (Polityka prywatności danych AB „INTER RAO Lietuva“).

Przekazując swoje dane osobowe potwierdzają Państwo swoją zgodę na przetwarzanie Państwa danych osobowych w Spółce w ramach świadczenia Państwu usług oraz odpowiedzi na przesłane przez Państwo zapytanie oraz rozwiązując powstałe problemu.

Zarazem potwierdzają Państwo, że przekazane przez Państwo dane są dokładne i prawidłowe, a Spółka nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za przetwarzanie nadmiaru przekazanych przez Państwo danych.

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