INTER RAO Lietuva nominated to ‘Bulls & Bears Award’ in a ‘Debut of the year’ category

INTER RAO Lietuva is the only foreign company that has received a ‘Bulls & Bears Award’ nomination in a category ‘Debut of the year’. The award has been given by Parkiet financial daily since 1995 to Polish capital market leaders.

Conducted in the fourth quarter of 2012, the initial public offering of INTER RAO Lietuva, one of Lithuania’s largest energy suppliers, was the biggest foreign IPO on the Warsaw Stock Exchange last year.

Institutional and retail investors bought €23.4 million (PLN 96.7 million) worth of shares in the company, one of Lithuania’s largest energy suppliers. Inter RAO Lietuva floated on the Warsaw Stock Exchange on 18 December and is the first energy sector company from the Baltic states and the third Lithuanian company listed in Warsaw.

– We are very happy that INTER RAO Lietuva is among five companies that were nominated to ‘Bulls & Bears Award’ in a ‘Debut of the year’ category. Investors appreciate our company and we see it in our market price, which has managed to grow as much as 19% when compared to the price in the public offering. We hope that implementation of our strategy and delivering good financial results will boost our attractiveness in the investors eyes – says Giedrius Balčiūnas, CEO of INTER RAO Lietuva.

In 2012 on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange debuted 19 companies.

INTER RAO Lietuva supplies electricity to the largest consumers in Lithuania, including the Orlen Lietuva refinery. The company also trades electricity on Scandinavia’s Nord Pool Spot, one of the largest power exchanges in Europe.


For more information please contact:


Jacek Jan Komar
Public Relations Manager
Tel. +370 5 242 11 21
Mob. +370 662 52 287

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