UAB INTER RAO Lietuva supports talented Lithuanian youth

On 19th, June, diploma award ceremony took place at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Vytautas Magnus University. During the ceremony grant of INTER RAO Lietuva was given. Giedrius Balciunas, Chief Executive Officer of UAB INTER RAO Lietuva, gave a grant of 3,000 EUR to Egle Alekneviciute studying in the Master’s programme in Finance and Banking. These funds will help this student to study abroad half year according to the combined programme and get a double diploma.

Vytautas Magnus University participates in international programmes actively which give students an opportunity to be awarded with double diploma. It is awarded after completion of 6 months studies at a university abroad. However, financial issues arise and many talented students cannot use this opportunity. The grant of INTER RAO Lietuva given to students who go to study abroad according to the combined Master’s programme (double diploma) in Finance and Banking will give an opportunity to choose various forms of studies for talented Lithuanian youth and will help to seek for diplomas of two universities.

About UAB INTER RAO Lietuva

UAB INTER RAO Lietuva is an independent electrical power supplier. The company acquired this status in 2002, when a new Law on Energy came into force in Lithuania and liberalized electrical power market, legalized independent suppliers and other participants of the open market. Lithuanian investment company UAB Scaent Baltic owns 49% of shares of INTER RAO Lietuva. The remaining 51% of shares is owned by subsidiary company of the Russian Inter RAO JES in Finland RAO Nordic OY. Since October 2009 UAB INTER RAO Lietuva is the authorized representative of Inter RAO JES for the Baltic States.

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