Cultural Investment of INTER RAO Lietuva – Sponsorship for the Exhibition Lucas Cranach the Elder: Madonna and Child under the Apple Tree

In order to continue a long-lived tradition to contribute to the initiatives significant for cultural life of the country, AB INTER RAO Lietuva sponsored the exhibition Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553): Madonna and Child under the Apple Tree. The exhibition opened at Vilnius Picture Gallery on Tuesday is dedicated to Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and will be open until 8th September this year.

“By contributing to realization of the exhibition and bringing of the masterpiece by the unique Renaissance genius to Lithuania, we not only contribute to the cultural spread but also to the development of public mind. We hope that opportunity to see Lucas Cranach the Elder’s unique piece brought from Hermitage Museum to the capital of Lithuania will attract many people of our country”, Giedrius Balčiūnas, General Manager of INTER RAO Lietuva, told.

Being a socially responsible company, INTER RAO Lietuva constantly contributes to upbringing of young generation and supports the gifted youths by different methods. Our company invests in a better future of our country by contributing to science and culture.

Read more about the public, social, scientific, cultural and sportive initiatives supported by AB INTER RAO Lietuva on the web site of the company at:

For more information please contact:

Jacek Jan Komar
Phone +370 5 242 11 21
Mobile +370 662 52 287

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