INTER RAO Lietuva Will Continue Publishing the Consolidated Interim Financial Information

AB “INTER RAO Lietuva” will be drawing up and publishing the consolidated interim financial information of three, nine, and twelve months, although the latest amendments to the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania have withdrawn this obligation for issuers.

The company made a decision to continue drawing up the consolidated interim information and publishing it pursuant to the procedure set out by regulations in order to ensure the possibility for investors to get acquainted with and make decisions on the grounds of the latest information about the activities of the Company.

The Law on Amending the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania, which came into force at the beginning of December 2015, establishes that the interim information is drawn up at the issuer’s discretion. If the issuer chooses to draw up an interim information and/or consolidated interim information, it must submit a notification about this pursuant to the procedure for notification about the material events set out in this Law.

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